My Story

Dr. Bill Souza holds a Doctor of Science degree in Cybersecurity and boasts an impressive career spanning over 25 years. He has accumulated a wealth of experience within diverse organizations and consulting firms. For the past two decades, his focus has been exclusively on cybersecurity within energy-critical infrastructure, with substantial involvement in RTOs and Utilities.

Dr. Souza brings a wide-ranging expertise encompassing essential areas such as cyber risk management, advanced risk concepts, vulnerability management, cyber governance, cybersecurity frameworks, policy formulation, collaborative cross-industry research, and strategic countermeasures.

Dr. Souza is a seasoned academic and professional in the field of cybersecurity. His commitment to bolstering the security of energy-critical infrastructure makes him a valuable resource for those seeking pragmatic insights in this ever-evolving landscape. Dr. Souza is part of and professionally affiliated with:

  • GlobalCISO Leadership Foundation (GCLF) - Board Member.

  • North Carolina Independent College & Universities (NCICU) - Committee Member

  • North Dakota University Center for Cyber Security Research (C2SR) - Industry Advisory Board Member

Why Us

Executive Cyber Education, LLC (E|CE) is a leading name in cybersecurity education and training for executives and senior leaders. Our mission is to empower informed decision-making by equipping those at the helm with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex world of cybersecurity risks and investments.

Here's what you should know about E|CE:

Target Audience: E|CE focuses specifically on executives, boards of directors, and senior management. This targeted approach recognizes leadership's crucial role in shaping an organization's cybersecurity posture.

Value Proposition: E|CE provides tailored training programs that go beyond technical jargon and focus on the business context of cybersecurity. They aim to bridge the knowledge gap between technical teams and leadership, fostering better communication and collaboration.

Services Offered: E|CE offers a range of services, including:

  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Executives: A comprehensive overview of key cybersecurity concepts, threats, and risks, tailored for non-technical audiences.

  • Cybersecurity Risk Management for Boards: Equips board members with the knowledge and tools to effectively oversee and guide the organization's cybersecurity strategy.

  • Custom Training Programs: Tailored programs addressing the organization's specific needs and challenges.

  • Speaking Engagements and Workshops: Dr. Bill Souza, E|CE's founder, is a sought-after speaker and can deliver insightful presentations on various cybersecurity topics.

Benefits: Organizations choosing E|CE can expect benefits like:

  • Improved decision-making: Leaders equipped with cybersecurity knowledge can make informed decisions about risk mitigation, resource allocation, and investment priorities.

  • Stronger cybersecurity posture: E|CE's training helps organizations build a more resilient defense against cyberattacks.

  • Enhanced communication and collaboration: Bridging the technical-business divide fosters better communication between IT and leadership, leading to stronger cybersecurity strategies.

Reputation and Recognition: E|CE is well-respected in the cybersecurity community. Dr. Bill Souza's expertise and experience are highly regarded, and the company has received positive feedback from clients.

Overall, Executive Cyber Education, LLC provides valuable training and resources for executives and senior leaders seeking to understand and address cybersecurity risks effectively. Our focus on business context and leadership engagement makes us a standout choice in the cybersecurity training landscape.


Dr. Bill Souza —

Executive Cyber Education: Bridging the Knowledge Gap for Cybersecurity Leaders. Reach out →